
Unlock your startup’s potential with the Imagine Cup – the global technology competition for visionary student entrepreneurs using AI! Build with AI through exclusive access to technology, receive personalized mentorship, and the chance to win USD100,000 and a mentorship session with Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella!


存取 AI 技術

Gain access to cutting-edge AI technology, Azure and OpenAI credits, and expert guidance to help you accelerate your startup's AI journey, giving you a distinct advantage in crafting AI-driven solutions. Receive USD1,000 of Azure and USD2,500 OpenAI credits. Fuel your innovative solutions and turn your ideas into reality with the most advanced tools that will be crucial for your future career in technology and innovation.


Imagine Cup offers more than just technical guidance; it provides a comprehensive entrepreneurial ecosystem. With personalized one-to-one guidance from both technical and business mentors, you'll gain the tools to refine your strategies and navigate challenges on the path to startup success. Receive tailored guidance to your unique needs as a founder-from accelerating AI within your startup to inspiring you with what is possible. Along the way, connect with a vibrant community of changemakers and drive meaningful positive change through your journey as a founder.
3 名學生 Imagine Cup 小組在拍團體照


Seize the opportunity win up to USD100k, gain global recognition and an exclusive mentoring session with Microsoft Chairman and CEO, Satya Nadella! The two runner-up teams will each earn USD50K. Showcase your ability to create real-world impact by demonstrating how technology can drive positive change in industry and society.


與行業專家交流並在 Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub 中取得進步。
在 Microsoft Build 的全球舞台展示您新創公司創意的機會。
訓練與專家指導–技術與專業指導,包括與 Microsoft 執行長 Satya Nadella 進行導師合作課程的機會。
透過現金獎品和多個得獎機會來推動您的新創公司,包括世界錦標賽全球總冠軍團隊可獲得 $100,000 美元,以及兩個第二名的團隊可獲得 $50,000 美元。


兩張頁面圖示 競賽詳細資料

看看 2024 年 Imagine Cup 的規則及規定,以了解參賽資格與評選標準。

電腦圖示 了解成功的所有步驟

Imagine Cup 訓練內容列出了有關為任何駭客松或競賽建立成功項目的所有資訊。透過完成訓練,您將學到從建立小組的戰略到向评审推介產品的最佳方式的所有知識。

畫面中有播放按鈕的圖示 尋找靈感


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兩位有文字對話框的人員圖示 參與討論

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兩朵雲相連的圖示 Imagine Cup 雲端技能挑戰賽

加入「Imagine Cup 雲端技能挑戰賽」,以了解在 2024 Imagine Cup 競賽中所需的基本 AI、企業及技術技能。

電腦圖示 打造技術技能

利用 Azure 認知服務、巨量資料、Bot 等服務中的免費學習路徑與教學課程。

試用 Microsoft Learn