Turkey, Boğaziçi university


Profielafbeelding voor Ege Ketrez
Ege Ketrez
Profielafbeelding voor Emre Yıldız
Emre Yıldız
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FROM YOUR EYES is a technology that designs the most technological and customizable version of the visual experience for a wide spectrum ranging from humans to machines. It has a mobile application and API. Thanks to its mobile application, it provides users with fast and qualified descriptions needed by 330 million visually impaired people around the world. The artificial intelligence service, which is trained using 15 million visual data, works with an accuracy rate of 98.03 percent, breaking new ground in the world and being able to recognize 865 colors. On the other hand, it can also provide video description. The team, which has made improvements to Real Time image processing, processes images at a speed of 50 milliseconds, allowing not only humans but also machines to see them. Focusing on three sectors: Automotive, Airport and E-Commerce, FROM YOUR EYES technology sells the image processing solutions companies need with API integration. Offering the most customizable version of the travel experience in automobiles to passengers and drivers, FROM YOUR EYES can work as a vehicle assistant in areas such as accident prediction and in-car entertainment. The technology runs on Azure. Artificial intelligence is trained on virtual machines. Azure storages are used and all other user operations are also carried out using Azure. The startup is also a Microsoft Founders Hub partner. In this context, the team always feels the power of Microsoft.

Over het team

Zülal, founder and CEO of FROM YOUR EYES, is also visually impaired. She was previously selected as Microsoft's female technology leader. As both Turkey and global Microsoft student ambassador, she took responsibilities in different Microsoft technologies, especially Seeing AI, and contributed to their development. A Microsoft partner decided to found FROM YOUR EYES after spending a time managing 59 countries at the company. The entire team is experienced in API integrations, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and image processing. Master's graduates and undergraduate students are in the team. FROM YOUR EYES team is a team of five people.

Technologieën die wij in onze projecten zoeken

App Services (Mobile & Web
Cognitive Services or other AI
Machine Learning
Virtual Machines

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