
Germany, Technical University Munich


Profilbild für Simon Hohentanner
Simon Hohentanner
Profilbild für Christian Felgenhauer
Christian Felgenhauer
Profilbild für Till Söhlemann
Till Söhlemann
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StudySmarter is an intelligent learning platform, empowering every student to achieve their educational goals and graduate from university. Our platform digitizes the entire learning process, making it more efficient, structured and engaging. Machine learning algorithms accompany the student through the entire learning experience by automating or creating learning materials such as summaries, mind maps or flashcards with just a few clicks. In addition, the student is automatically connected with fellow students, studying the same subjects and receives individual, additional supportive content recommendations based on preferences. StudySmarter not only saves time in learning, but also boosts motivation, for example through extensive statistical features providing the student with valuable feedback on their learning process. Furthermore, gamification features guarantee moments of success during the exam preparation. We developed our WebApp with Angular5 and host it on Microsoft Azure. Our Django backend employs a PostgreSQL database also hosted on Microsoft Azure. In order to automatically recommend supportive resources - like online tutorials - to the students based on their uploaded documents, StudySmarter makes use of the Bing Video Search API. In the long term, we are convinced that our product can not only support students across the world, but also be used in the context of corporate learning and secondary education. Turning our of empowering everyone to achieve their educational goals into reality.

Info zum Team

We are three university students from Munich: Christian Felgenhauer, Simon Hohentanner and Till Soehlemann, who have met each other at the entrepreneurial program Manage&More. Christian studies business administration at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich as well as Technology Management at the Center of Digital Technology Management (CDTM). His work experience focuses on working with startups, as in the Venture Capital Fund Digital+ Partners and BMW iVentures. He also did a one year exchange at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Christian focuses on the business and strategic aspects of our project, i.e. the topics finance, strategy and last but not least the business model of StudySmarter. Currently studying Engineering at the Technical University Munich with a focus on Systems Engineering and Machine Learning, Simon has already acquired R&D experience in various start-ups and positions. He for instance worked in development at the high-tech startups KONUX and NavVis. At StudySmarter he lay his focus on the backend development and, together with Till, machine learning components. Till studies computer science at Technical University Munich with a focus on machine learning and AI. During he studies, he has gained valuable experience in these areas through various projects outside, for instance BMW, and within the university. He also laid his focus on the subject his studies abroad at the University of Illinois. In addition to machine learning, his main focus in the StudySmarter project is the development of the frontend app.

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