Get Started with Microsoft Imagine Cup Competitions
Unlock your startup's potential with the Imagine Cup -- the global technology startup competition for visionary student entrepreneurs harnessing the power of Microsoft AI.
Register for a competition
Head over to the Imagine Cup page to find a competition that's right for you. Click on any of the competitions to learn more and click 'Register Now!' to sign up!
View your teams and competition information from your Account page
Head over to your Imagine Cup Account page for all your details! View the status of your competition, updates and news for your region, and manage your teams.
Imagine Cup participants are required to create or join a team
You and your team will make an original technology project from start to finish: come up with a great idea, make a plan, build your project, and submit it! Imagine Cup teams are made of up to three eligible students. You can create a team from your profile page. If a friend creates a team, they can invite you and a notification will show up in your account.
Submit your project
You can submit and check the status of your entry for any of our contests from your Account page.
What do I need to know to participate in the Imagine Cup?
Here is a quick summary of what you need to participate in the Imagine Cup:
- USD100,000 prize for the World Champion team
- Three in-person Regional Finals across the globe with over USD20,000 in prizing
- Global competition for students aged 16+.
- You can create any solution you are passionate about, but it must include at least one Microsoft AI service and consider diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. Details about the requirements can be found in the <a href="" class="c-hyperlink">official rules</a>.
- Each team can have a maximum of four (4) members. All must be students. Create and manage your team.
What can you win?
- All teams that advance to the Regional Final win a trip to a Regional Final event
- Asia Regional Final – Sydney, Australia
- Europe, Middle East and Africa Final – Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Americas Regional Final – To Be Announced
- At each Regional Final: USD15,000 for 1st place, USD5,000 for 2nd place, USD1,000 for 3rd place
- 1st place teams will advance to the World Championship and compete for USD100,000 (date and location to be announced)