
Cameroon, University of Bamenda


Profile Image for Nuikweh Lewis
Nuikweh Lewis

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Project Overview

U-Map is a mobile app that serves to provide geolocation services so students/lecturers can get directions to any location on campus using their mobile phones. The service is divided into an admin section where locations are uploaded, and a mobile client section that is accessed by users. Uploaded locations are loaded on the mobile application and categorized accordingly for easy Searching. Built into the mobile application, we have Distance calculation, Direction mapping, Images, and location information. At times the student might even miss the class due to lack of good directions. This problem is also faced by University lecturers. A class can be organized by a coordinator and the teacher might not be aware of the location of the particular building causing the teacher to come late for that course or at times the time allocated for the course will be exhausted and students go back home without learning anything. Using the application, a user can easily select a location and get real-time directions to that selected location with a sure accuracy of ±2m from the location. The app provides information about the location to aid the user visually and technically. Distances are calculated from the user’s current location to destination to provide the user with an idea of what necessary steps to take. Push notifications (a feature under test) are used by verified users which can serve to provide updates on the locations designated for aparticular event or class. This could also be used to provide general information about activities, events, sports, etc to all users of the application.

About Team

Our team is made up of computer engineering students from the School of Engineering in Cameroon. We are third year students targeting a BE in Software Engineering. Our main goal is to develop community solution using open tools from tech companies such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Intel, FireFox, Eclipse

Technologies we are looking to use in our projects

App Services (Mobile & Web

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