
Kenya, Dedan kimathi university of technology


Profile Image for Collins Emasi
Collins Emasi
Profile Image for Clinton oduor
Clinton oduor

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Project Overview

The Cafrilearn project is aimed at providing access to learning material at low costs for young learners in primary school who are in marginalised communities and low income earning families.

About Team

The team is composed of four members namely Clinton Oduor, Collins Emasi, Humphry Shikunzi and Lilian Patience. All four of us are students at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology and are currently enrolled in taking an undergraduate degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineerings. Clinton, Humphry and Lilian are all in their fourth year of study while Collins is in his third year. We came together as we collectively share a passion for technology with each having a preference of their own. Clinton is greatly enthusiastic about Internet of Things, Collins has chosen to major in machine learning and app development, Lilian specializes in Hardware and Humphrey is our Jack of all trades and mastering AI and machine learning. The team is being mentored by Mr. Juma who is part of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department and in charge of examinations. Mr. Ali has been our lecturer and mentor for some of our previous projects and has offered us advice on various issues surrounding life and our technology based projects.

Technologies we are looking to use in our projects

App Services (Mobile & Web
Machine Learning

Social Media