
Russia, Moscow State University


Profile Image for Роман Кривоногов
Роман Кривоногов
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Project Overview

Soberider is a system of driving under the influence prevention. In fact, it is a cloud service plus embedded code for mobile apps - taxi and car sharing apps, in the first place. A 1-minute test, run on any smartphone or tablet with camera, can figure out whether allow user to drive or not. It is powered by Microsoft Azure platform virtual machines and Microsoft Face API service, and the test itself is based on analysis of eye movements. Nice, quick, inexpensive to integrate into any existing business, ready to start saving lives and money this year already - Soberider.

About Team

We are three students from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. We dream about bringing something valuable into the world. Something that will make life better. That's why we met at Microsoft Imagine Cup Hackathon at MSU this March. World will never be a better place without people struggling for it. Imagine Cup is our chance to join them. And we're gonna do our best.

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