
Switzerland, ETH


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Project Overview

Our Project is a Image Classification Model Python for Detecting Pneumonia from X-ray Images. By loading Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia) Dataset, and exploiting Image Classification, we spent a week to build a CNN Image Classification Python Model from Scratch. During the process, although we encountered a limited resource of implementing Transfer Learning, which is a technique of using pre-trained neural networks, we evaluated the Performance of the Image Classification Model. Through Azure cognitive services, we trained a model of 5,863 X-Ray images dataset hosted on Kaggle for pneumonia detection.

About Team

We are a team of 4 different countries: Egypt, Turkey and South Korea. One of us is still in high school, however the main software developer, who have finished Harvard CS50 Computer Science in 7 days during the quarantine. He is very passionate about

Technologies we are looking to use in our projects

Artificial Neural Networks
Cognitive Services or other AI
Machine Learning

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