Czech Republic, Charles University


Profile Image for Jan Joneš
Jan Joneš
Czech Republic
Profile Image for Jana Řežábková
Jana Řežábková
Czech Republic

Team Gallery

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Project Overview

Searching for great learning materials is difficult. Conventional search engines rely on algorithms that deliver pages with the best SEO, not necessarily the best content quality. Course platforms tell you that every one of their courses is great. People that want to learn then have to perform extensive research before starting to study. They either go through many low-quality resources or ask for tips about the best ones on forums. We all use platforms providing us recommendations from peers for the best restaurants, hotels, movies and other products or entertainment. Why not use something similar for our largest personal investment—education? KnowledgePicker aims to gather links to learning resources, e.g., books, blog posts, courses, papers. We collect ratings and reviews from real learners to determine the best resources as seen by students themselves. Curated network of topics and relations helps to discover just the right means to study any area, from broad to specific.

About Team

We are two university friends who met at squash class. We like to discuss inefficiencies that bug us and ponder different solutions. In July 2019 we threw random ideas at each other. One of them was a complaint that whenever one wants to learn something there is no definitive place to go to for advice and recommendations. These tips are scattered all over the web disorganized and uncurated. And that there should totally be a TripAdvisor for this. We are both keen learners, so this issue is close to our hearths. We have been enthusiastically developing the platform daily for over a year.

Technologies we are looking to use in our projects

App Services (Mobile & Web

Social Media