
United States, Binghamton University / Georgia Institute of Technology


Profile Image for Ever Goldin
Ever Goldin
United States

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Project Overview

Roadmap is an AI ADHD Coach that helps people get started on their tasks. Roadmap identifies obstacles by asking questions and co-creates personalized strategies with the user. Other productivity tools are not designed for people with ADHD as they focus on organization and planning, have overwhelming UIs, and do not address the specific challenges faced by people with ADHD. In comparison, our tool focuses on getting started, provides a frictionless user experience, and uses the insight of over 80 experts on ADHD. As a user continues to use Roadmap, we provide them insights into their behaviors to then understand how they specifically work. This knowledge enables the user to learn how they work best, including their strengths and weaknesses. It teaches them that despite what the world may have told them, they are intelligent and capable, they simply work differently. This self-understanding enables our users to better manage their ADHD and move toward achieving their dreams. Our project's mission is to help people who are struggling in the neurodivergent community. Throughout the effort to get to know the community, we have firsthand seen the scale of the problem we are facing. Many talented, bright individuals don’t have the self-understanding and support they need to reach their true potential. The productivity industry has really failed to address the unique needs of the neurodivergent community. To change this, we are continuously working with dozens of experts in the ADHD space to design FOR ADHD and other neurodiverse conditions, rather than the status quo of expecting them to adapt to current tools. Typical productivity and organizational strategies often do not work for neurodiverse individuals, so our tool creates tailored strategies for each user’s unique needs. After conversations with the tool, we analyze the user’s information and construct a user manual for them, a document detailing how they work best so they can begin to improve their productivity outside our tool. Many of the ADHD experts we have spoken to have reinforced the idea that “If you know one ADDer, you know one ADDer,” meaning that every single case of ADHD is different. Flexible AI solutions make it possible for us to address the diverse situations and struggles that the neurodiverse community faces.

About Team

We are University Students from Binghamton University in New York, and Georgia Tech in Georgia. We all met in our freshman year and have been working together on fun projects ever since. In late February 2023, we met up and created the first version of Roadmap. Since then, we have dedicated ourselves to this project, utilizing resources from our universities. Over the summer, we participated in two accelerator programs, receiving our first funding. After the summer, we focused on refining our tool based on customer feedback, eventually pivoting to a tool specifically designed for people with ADHD, as we discovered that they had the most significant need for our productivity tool. In December, we attended the 2023 ADHD Conference, where we networked with 83 ADHD coaches, psychiatrists, and other professionals. At the conference we were inspired by the community and saw a need for our software. Ever since then we have been rapidly iterating and improving on our product, will continue to do so in the coming months! If you have ADHD, we'd love to hear your story. Schedule a meeting with us using the Calendly link below. Our Links: Instagram - Discord - Website - Calendly -

Technologies we are looking to use in our projects

Big Data
Cognitive Services or other AI
App Services (Mobile & Web

Social Media

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