2021 Imagine Cup China Microsoft Learn Challenge

2021 Imagine Cup China Microsoft Learn Challenge

Competition year

Active Dates (GMT):
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 00:00 - Fri, 15 Jan 2021 23:00

Online Competition

There are four categories in the 2021 Imagine Cup competition – Earth, Education, Health, and Lifestyle. Get started building your tech skills by completing a Microsoft Learn module in the category you’re most passionate about to advance in the competition.

Every team member can complete any one of the 8 required Learning modules. Each submission will be entered into a sweepstakes for the chance to win one of five monthly prizes of USD250! Once you’ve completed your module, submit your Microsoft Learn profile URL(s) to the Learn Challenge to advance to the next round.

Complete any one of these eight required Microsoft Learn modules:





Each participating team member must create an account on Microsoft Learn, complete one of the required modules using that account, and submit the profile URL for their account.

Demonstration on how to sign up and retrieve your profile URL

Competition Rules

Support E-mail


Students ages 16 and older at school or university

Team size

Up to 4 competitors


Submissions close on 30 December 2020 at 16:00 GMT+0


Qualified teams will advance to the next round

Online or live


Submission requirements

Complete one of the eight required Microsoft Learn modules and submit your Microsoft Learn profile URL