
Singapore, Nanyang Polytechnic


Profile Image for Ong Chong Yong
Ong Chong Yong

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Project Overview

Our project, Vibra-IntelliSense, was developed in collaboration with Integral Industrial International (3I). This maintenance service provider is owned by a veteran in the Enterprise Maintenance industry, specialising in industrial motor maintenance. Vibra-Intellisense realised the MaaS (Maintenance-as-a-Service) model and provides a solution to enhance the capability of Maintenance Service provider’s capability for the maintenance industry disruption. Vibra-IntelliSense provides early fault detection as well as end of life and Mean Time Between Failure predictions. With a comprehensive and detailed overview of the machine health status in a factory plant, maintenance service providers can better size the maintenance service work and provide a profitable maintenance contract to the machine owners. The cloud based solution also allows maintenance company to provide their services overseas clients.

About Team

We are a group of Nanyang Polytechnic students, currently in our second and third year of polytechnic. We have partnered up with a reputable Maintenance Service Provider to develop a Maintenance-as-a-Service model to enhance the capability of Machine Service Providers.

Technologies we are looking to use in our projects

Internet of Things (IoT
Machine Learning

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