United Kingdom, University of Cambridge
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Project Overview
We all know the trouble that a lost key can cause. Searching for it everywhere and trying to remember where it was last seen may take a long time which in turn leads to you being late for a meeting or other important events. Even worse is looking around blindly for your own glasses when you misplaced them. Thinking about this issue further, we were wondering how people with a serious vision impairment are supposed to look for their lost object, be it a key, their wallet or even a rubber duck to take a nice hot bath with. That's the reason why we created Finder, a solution to find objects via an iPhone that is accessible to everyone. The app makes use of cameras placed in rooms in the users house, that continuously take pictures of those particular rooms. When a user has lost an item, all they have to do is launch the Finder iOS app, and name the item they have lost, and if the item is found in the house, the user would be guided towards it with visual guidance in the form of a navigational line, as well as orally in terms of narrated directions that indicate when a user is near an item, and when they are moving away from it.
About Team
Our team is made up of a group of three students from different universities across the UK, that came together during OxfordHack to develop this project. Our win of the Microsoft Azure Champ Challenge during the Hackathon has inspired us to submit this project to the Imagine Cup.