
Pakistan, National University of Sciences and Technology


Profile Image for mahadbajwa97@gmail.com Bajwa
mahadbajwa97@gmail.com Bajwa
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Project Overview

Flowlines is a social media experience that goes beyond the screen and strengthens your connection with world. We want to make every contact more valuable, to meet exciting new people and visit the places they cherish. With every post, we provide you with a new place to discover. How do we do this? A user draws a hologram in AR called a 'Flow'. The Flow is anchored to a specific location of significance in the world using Azure spatial anchors and posted on the newsfeed as a video. Whenever a user comes across an intriguing post, the app guides them to the Flow. Once inside the GPS location, the app asks the user to scan the area to find it. The Flow appears at the exact location it was left tethered to the world, providing the person with a new creation and new environment to explore. Users can also take someone elses AR hologram and add to it in their own post, creating a chain of Flows. This is Flowlines, connecting people with the world.

About Team

We are a group of three ambitious individuals who aim to bring about radical changes in society. We aspire to diverge from the norm and bring unique yet efficient solutions to global problems surfacing our planet. Presenting to you: NOOR BINTE AMIR: Noor, a final year Software Engineering student at NUST H-12, is an artist and programmer in one. She is a Google Summer of Code 2019 Intern with expertise in Android Development. She is also a Google WomenTechmakers Scholar 2019 and attended her WTM retreat at Google Australia. Besides that, she is the winner of hackathon HackACM 2019. Her winning project Polaris Share helps underprivileged students sustain their education. Noor is also passionate about game development, 3D modeling and animation. She is currently working on her VR game R3. https://github.com/nbamir/R3-Rogue-Robot-on-Rampage Noor wants to build games that touch hearts and apps that reach millions and improve lives everyday. MAHAD MASOOD BAJWA: Climbing from the rock bottom, Mahad has come a long way to discover new horizons. His goal is to be a social tech entrepreneur and let technology assist the masses. His interests are community focused, thus areas like Data Analysis, Web development, and design thinking intrigue him. From a small town to the United States, he brings with myself exposure of interacting with diverse groups. His passion for debates and public speaking makes him a well-rounded individual ready to develop solutions to problems and effectively present them. MOMIN MUAZZAM: Momin is an android developer, database engineer, and blockchain developer. He has worked in various labs in SEECS-NUST and represented his university at various platforms like being finalist of FICS '19 and winning the first overnight hackathon of Pakistan. He's also worked at IBM as a blockchain developer. Momin is also an avid freelancer with passion in fields like data science, cloud computing, game development, and AR/VR.

Technologies we are looking to use in our projects

App Services (Mobile & Web
Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality

Social Media

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